
What are the farming techniques used in U.S.A?

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What are the farming techniques used in U.S.A?




  1. Farming techniques vary for different types of soil, different crops, and different climates. Some areas use plowing and harrowing to prepare soil for planting. Others leave stalks, vegetation, and waste from harvesting as is and drill seeds into the ground with no soil preparation. Other areas plant rye grass or other nutrient type grasses after harvesting and wait until spring to plow under prior to planting. Most farmers will plow under vines, bad fruit, small heads of lettuce or cabbage,etc after harvesting is completed.

  2. check these sites out!

  3. there is no-till farming which means you plant your crop with no tillage, then there is minimum tillage where you work the ground once very lightly generally  in the fall. then there is conventional tillage in which you work the soil until you have a nice firm weed free seed bed.  no-till is a good type of farming but if done continuously  leads to compaction and large areas of erosion. it also relies heavily on the use of chemical weed control which can turn into a whole other set of problems.  minimum tillage also relies on some sort of chemical control but  allows the soil to be aerated to reduce compaction.

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