
What are the fastest and slowest skills to level in runescape?

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I was just wondering if someone could tell me the fastest and slowest skills to level in runescape. Maybe if you have a time make a list of all the skills and put it from fastest to slowest or slowest to fastest. I know cooking is basically the fastest with no question and farming and slayer are a couple of the slowest. I would just really appreciate it if someone could tell me some of the fastest and slowest skills to level. Thanks.




  1. ah, fastest to level eh? baisly any of the 'buyable' skills are fast, smithing, crafting, farming, herblore, fire, pray, cook, fletch,  cons, and to some extent summoning, incribly fast if you have the money to buy the seconds, only downside to summoning is charms, fast if you can burst/barrage rock lobsters or cannon wallasakkis (forgive my spelling) all those are fast, others too that are fast that cant be bought out are agility, thieving and hunter... pretty much all the skills are fast if you think about it lol

  2. well i think cooking fletching and are easy and herblore farming and summoning and hunter are hard to lvl in ive been playing runescape for almost over 2 years but here they are in order from fastest to slowest cooking,fletching,fishing, firemaking,crafting,smithing (cost alot though),woodcutting,prayer (if u got lots of money),magic,farming,runecrafting,thievi...

    construction,then ranged defence attack strength and hitpoints,agility hunter herblore.

  3. the hardest lvl to get up would be farming (for members )

    the hardest non member lvl to get up is proply woodcuting

    the fastest lvl is firemaking for shure

  4. Fastest skills in the game depend on your resources. Herblore is the fastest skill if you have a LOT of money. You can get around seven million experience in it in eighteen hours, if you do it right. Firemaking is very fast, too, if you have enough money to buy the best logs you can burn, but you need to be able to click a lot.

    But then, we have the EASIEST skills. These are skills like cooking and fletching. You can sit back and wait most of the time, and get good experience for it. Woodcutting might fall into this, too, but fishing doesn't as it's experience ratio is much lower.

    For some, the slowest skills are mining, combat skills, and prayer. Prayer is one that can be very fast if you use the ectofuntus or a gilded altar.

    Mining is very slow no matter what. The experience is much less, the respawn times are longer, and you only get one ore per rock.

    Combat skills are slow, but if you train on experiments (400 experience per kill, max hit of 1, and rarely) you should level up faster.

    Pest Control is no longer a good source of experience.

  5. Fastest are cooking and fletching.  Slowest are combat skills (att,str,def,range) and slayer and farming.  Most expensive are construction summoning herblore and prayer.

    (respectfully disagree with other posts, magic is not one of the fastest skills its about in the middle.  Fishing is quite slow but woodcutting is the fastest of all the gathering skills if you cut willows)

    These observations are on the speed of achieving 99.  Early levels may vary.

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  7. well for non mems





    fishing (depends on what you fish)


    mining(depends on what you mine)

    fire making




    fishing (depends on what you fish)


    mining(depends on what you mine)




    fishing (depends on what you fish)

    mining(depends on what you mine)

    ps: if your mining iron and rune stones its fast to lvl up

    if its coal its med

    if its mith addy or rune is slow

    if you are fishing trout salmon or pike its fast

    if you are fishing lobs and tunas it will be med

    if you are fishing swordys it will be slow

  8. It is a matter of opinion to many, and a matter of money to others, so the fastest and slowest skills to level vary from person to person.

    The fastest 3:

    1. Fletching

    2. Magic


    Slowest 3:

    1. Prayer

    2. Runecrafting

    3. Farming

    Since I used a lot of members only skills for the fastest, some non-member fast skills are Cooking, and Fishing.

    Extra Notes: Runescape is supposed to be fun, you don't have to just work on levels. Try going outside, it's way more fun.

  9. I think the most fast thing to level is magic, and the slowest is woodcutting.


  11. Fastest is fletching, wcing, firemaking, and prayer if your filthy rich,

    Slowest in my opinion is farming.

  12. well i found fire making is flastest i was on for 1 hour and got alot of lvls and...slowest hmmmm... i think it would be... actually slayer is preaty fast well slow if you call hit points a skill yea...thats preaty slow ..oh i got it!!!!!!!!! prayer is the slowest lol how could i not remember that! ok well yea your welcome if you even look at this~~~~hey read mine~~~~ vote for me for best answer ~~~~lol~~~~jking~~~~but~~~~seriously~~~~...

  13. The fastest skills to get to 99 would be Cooking and fletching no doubt.

    Alot of other skills are in the gray area where they could be fast and could be slow all depending on the person doing those skills.

  14. fastest:



















  15. the fastest are:   firemaking






    slowest are:   farming




    combat skills like: attack, defence, strength, range

    mage is medium

    woodcutting, and mining are fairly slow but they are good money makers which u need in this game

    theiving can be helpful but if u theive stalls it is slower at higher levels but u make a bit more money but if u want fast xp go for the people to theive

    agility is a good on to have as it makes u run faster and makes your run recharge faster

    hopefully that helps you even though i did not do all the stats

  16. Fishing is also a really fast skill to do. just go to catherby and and fish because that place is like fishing central.

  17. I think that Slayer and farming are slow to build. But slayer is worth it. you make a lot of money and raise combat stats while doing so. i have a slayer level of 60. I think the fastest is summoning. it gets your combat level itself up after about 7 levels of summoning. it can get expensive though...btw....its pretty obvious that lots of people still play runescape....more adults than kids now...

  18. The fastest skill is fletching and cooking. Though cooking is more expensive. The slowest skill is probably slayer or summoning. IF your rich its slayer but if don't have over 100mil. Its slayer or farming.

  19. Fastest levels to gain (i'd say) are Fletching, Fire Making and Cooking.

    Hardest Levels to gain (i'd say) are ur combat levels (attack, strength, defence), Magic, Prayer, Range, Farming, Slayer and Constructiion.

    And to those people that said that no one plays runescape anymore.

    I completely DISAGREE with that. YOU go onto the Runescape website, and it'll say how many people are playing...currently it is saying 876653 people playing. SO if 876653 people is NO ONE then i think you need to re think about what you said.

    and also how you said people that are 6 play. well, you must be over 13 to play runescape LEGALLY and if u were playing under that age, well dont say that people dont enjoy playing runescape. Because people of ALL AGES enjoy it.

    Well,  I hope I answered your question.


    Katie J.

  20. well firemaking fishing woodcutting and fletching ... oh and cooking

    but most combat stats and prayer are extremely hard  

  21. The slowest is without a doubt Slayer, followed by Runecrafting.  The fastest, as you know, is Cooking, followed by Fletching.

    Mining and Smithing are both related and quite slow to train, and they used to be good money makers and still are to some degree.  Crafting is very slow because the raw materials are either very expensive or are not easily gathered and give very little xp per iteration.

    Agility and Thieving are fairly quick to train because you don't need any raw materials, just a place to train and some effort to put into it.  

    Woodcutting and Fletching are faster than Mining and Smithing and make just as much money.  

    All the combat skills can be either fast or slow depending on how you decide to train, on harder fought monsters who have better drops, or simply killing easy monsters for quick xp.

    Magic can be fast if you have the money to waste on the runes.  Same goes with Prayer and bones.  And this pertains to Summoning as well.  

    Firemaking is a really fast and easy skill to get to 99 if you have the patience.  Burning logs is as quick as you can click and gives tons of xp.  

    Hunter is another fast one if your hunting Chinchompas, either red or gray, and it is a useful money maker.

    I think this pretty much covers all of the skills.  My boyfriend is a huge fan of Runescape.  He has been playing for over two years.  His name is Shiddy Smell if you want to add him.  Look him up on high scores, he has over 70 million total xp.  You can add him if you would like.  My name on the game is Smells Girl and you can add me.  I'm a noob, my b/f has taught me everything I know on the game.  Hope this helps!

  22. Well the fastest skills are :fletching, thieving or cooking,

    Woodcutting is fairly fast, this is dependant on what u cut and what axe you use.

    Firemaking is very fast, this is one of the most popular 99 skill, along with fletching.

    Combat skills are slow, due to the fact that to train combat you must train, attack, strength,defence,prayer,summoning or mage and range(these last two dont effect combat alot but to reach the max combat level you must get 99 on these)

    Another slow skill i think is agility, due to the fact it can sometimes be very costly or very helpful, this is one of the useful things to level as you can run further.

    I would say the fastest 2 skills to level up are: Cooking and Firemaking.

    I would say the slowest 2 skills to level up are: Agility and Construction

  23. The speed at which a skill is worked along with the amount of time it is worked makes the skill the fastest to level.  For me cooking and runecrafting are the fastest skills.  However I also enjoy these two skills more than the others.  If you have to buy any items to level a skill, that automatically slows that skill down.  With the addition of Grand Exchange the speed of leveling now runs about as fast as you have cash for it.

  24. fast:



    wood cutting

    -your basic skills of hunting and gathering  (resources)because of little effort (not 3 years ago > click food click fire) and low cost to you and high to sell, these are your basic skills because it is the foundation. From high generation of resources you get more XP


    your combat  skills - str attk etc

    - these are the the medium skills because they take longer to train; you get  (less XP)






    - these cost the most and need funds to run and keep going

  25. My opinion: (listed fastest to slowest)




    Prayer(if you have a ton of money, and are willing to spend 3 mil on it.) I use a g alter

    Magic, if you have quite a lot of money, fairly cheap if below lvl 50 mage. good xp w/ ancients

    range, if your lucky w/ ruby bolts (e) at iron drags

    construction, takes a load of money.


    theiving, if at 65+, takes a load of time if under 60.


    agility, if at a good agility course.

    summoning, if you use a games necklace.





    prayer, if money is a problem.

    I do not hunt.

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