
What are the fastest clouds and how fast do they go?

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What are the fastest clouds and how fast do they go?




  1. Clouds move as they are pushed by the wind. Cirrocumulus, for instance, can be at altitude between 16000 to 40000 ft, and the Jetstream that can be found that those altitudes (35000 ft and above) can top 215 knots, those clouds can move at that speed.

    That said, if a cloud is part of a F5 tornado (the worst of which was clocked with wind speed above 300 mph) then some part of the cloud will have to swirl by that fast.

  2. Unlike other airborne objects like airplanes or footballs, clouds are simply suspended in the air, and so move only as fast as the wind that carries them.  The Jetstream reaches speeds up to 250mph.

  3. Clouds in general haev no fixed speeds, nor are they associated with a certain threshold for movement rates.  However, they do move with the winds in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

    Now as a rule, the clouds at The mid and upper levels do not produce inclement weather (with one exception).

    Low level clouds will move in conjunction with the frontal system that they are associated with.  These movement speeds can range from being quasi-stationary to moving at speeds exceeding 35-40 miles per hour.  This is all dependant on the movement of the frontal system they are part of.

    Clouds around tropical systems move quite a bit faster than those of a associated with systems having a dynamic nature.

  4. I've heard of atmospheric rivers that go like 200+mph.

  5. I do not know about velocity but clouds cannot exist in the Stratosphere, around 40 thousand feet.


  6. The clouds on the east side of a hurricane eyewall are the fastest. In a category five they can reach over 140mph

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