
What are the fastest illegal men's 100m times recorded?

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By that I mean illegal due to wind, altitude, subsequent drugs bans etc. I am looking for a list...




  1. 1.2 seconds

    on a rocket!!

  2. #1, they are ALL on drugs, so the last clean 100m might be Calvin Smith 9.93

  3. On 13 April 1996, Obadele Thompson of Barbados ran the fastest 100 m race ever in El Paso, Texas. He was clocked at 9.69 s. However, it was achieved with a tail wind in excess of 5 m/s, well over the IAAF legal limit of 2.0 m/s, and the mark was not officially recognized.

  4. Below is what i found from Wiki:

    "Justin Gatlin ran 9.77 in Doha on 12 May 2006, which was at the time ratified as a world record. However, the performance was annulled in 2007 after he failed a doping test in April 2006."

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