
What are the favorite foods of the budgies???

by  |  earlier

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can u tell me what foods are BEST for budgies? those that can be found regularly in markets.. and can i also let them eat food or vegetables(are veggies caLLED greens??) that are going to be rotten within a few days but they are not yet rotten..of course!!!! but what are their usually fave food??? like the fruits they love to eat????? pls tell me.... thanks.............. more help appreciated!............. and what other foods aside from the cutle bone have a lot of calcium in them??? pls tell me!




  1. Budgies can get adjusted to love many types of foods. Start young giving them food other than its normal seeds. They enjoy fruits and vegetables a lot!! Mine enjoy mushy foods like bananas and sweet potatoes. They can eat broccoli, carrots, spinach,  yams,dandelion greens, other green/orange fruits and veggies. They can also have apples , grapes, blue berries,pears, bread, unslated crackers. They can eat many different foods but should stay away from dairy products for sure. Budgies also can eat hard boiled eggs!! Great source of calcium! NEVER feed them avacado or chocolate for it is deadly to them.Hope this helped!!

  2. Tey can eat different kinds of food like an parakeet but they really likeseeds, especially those of grasses and weeds.But I mostly give them pellets, fruits and small nuts and vegetables.

  3. Offer a good basic, nutritious budgie mixture, or pellets if the budgie is used to them. You needs to supplement this with spray millet and a variety of green foods and fruit, including lettuce, carrot, celery and apple. Cuttlefish should always be available for the calcium content, and will need to be attached with a clip to the bars of the cage.  Grit is also essential.

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