
What are the features of Nuclear Deal?

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What are the features of Nuclear Deal?




  1. features include

    1. uninterrupted supply of nuclear fuel

    2. no interruption of iaea on india's military decisions

    3. only nuclear reactors for civilian use under iaea's watch

    4. if fuel supply stops, india can take required measures

    now this is what is foxing everyone.....what does 'required measures' mean?

    i think its a good deal....

  2. Yes it should be good for both India and the United States. The US earns good money for the service and India gets American technology. The US is also eager to have India as an ally in particular in that part of the world near to nations like China and the Far-East generally.

  3. No features. Only They want to control over India.

  4. no featurers they want to distroy india

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