
What are the features of organisation development?

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What are the features of organisation development?




  1. 1. Organisational Outcomes and Outputs are clearly linked to Human Resource development & maintenance.

    In the welfare sector, this means that business improvement are linked to human resources who are linked to quality improvement process who are linked to data collection and management.  This overt and identifiable linking between organisational aspirations, individual aspirations, processes and outcomes will provide positive feedback loops to enhance organisational culture and outputs.

    2. Organisational Culture, Values, Vision, and Mission Statement are understood and consistent with individual staff values and aspirations within the organisation.

    In particular, culture, vision and leadership should be highly developed by senior and middle management who actively provide examples of their commitment to these values on a daily basis.

    The mix of forward thinking visions based on sound emotionally and ethically based values should result in organisational principles which drive practice.

    The development of organisational culture, vision and mission is participative and subject to regular review.

    A values audit is a useful way to not only identify where individuals, groups and divisions are in reference to organisational values, but also as an agenda-setting exercise.

    Overt training regarding Culture and Vision is primarily directed at senior and middle management in the first instance.  Culture and Vision is subsequently integrated into ALL other professional development activities for other staff.

    Recruitment of staff incorporates not only skills and knowledge, but also an explanation of and expected commitment to the culture, vision and values of the organisation.  

    3. Mapping exercises are regularly undertaken to aid the linking of organisational structures, particularly in reference to performance and productivity improvements.

    Visual maps can incorporate organisational structures, human resource configurations and key organisational outcomes and outputs.  This allows key player to see their relative position in performance improvements as it relates to staff development.  This sort of mapping also provides staff to see new opportunities and connections that may have been otherwise overlooked.

    These maps also include 'soft' aspects such as critical success factors, milestones and the nature of the human resource within the organisation.  Human resource mapping include skills, qualifications and performance reviews as well as disabilities or blocks.

    Once developed, global maps are then tailored to the integration of particular performance outcomes, organisational outcomes or new programs and initiatives.

    4. A range of methodologies is used to enhance professional development.

    Professional development and learning include both on-the-job as well as off site opportunities.  

    On-site learning need to make explicit and maximise:

     Opportunistic learning via casual conversations, as needed learning resources in hard copy and electronic forms along with consultancy support from on site and off site specialists.

     Intentional learning on-the-job learning which provides scheduled time for learning opportunities such as case review, clinical supervision, journal club, 'topic a month' attached to staff meetings, review of learning materials including videos and articles as well as the use of on-site guest speakers

     Job aids such as assessment instruments, treatment manuals, case summary sheets, etc, can support learning by providing cues and formats which encapsulate and reinforce other learning methods and objectives.

    Off-site learning should be tailored to the specific needs of staff as they relate to work performance and organisational objectives.  To be most successful, off-site learning should be:

     well contracted and targeted;

     measured against identifiable learning outcomes;

     reinforced in the workplace via continuous learning opportunities; and

     incorporate the organisational culture, values and mission.

    5. Professional development, skills enhancement and performance are tied to a succession model of career advancement or other reward contingencies.

    Supervisory practices incorporate career advancement into professional development, performance appraisals, new projects and organisational change procedures.  Staff should know where they are heading, know what they need to do to get there, have the tools to achieve their goals and be rewarded with career advancement and other positive reinforcement on their development of skills and knowledge when applied to productivity improvements in the workplace.

    6. Reflective practices are incorporated into the ethic of seeing both successes and failures (mistakes) as learning opportunities.

    Many welfare organisations tend not to notice client success as the individual, organisation or community becomes self-sufficient and no longer requires the service of the organisation.  Cases that draw the mos

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