
What are the feelings about minorities in Denmark (generally)?

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specifically blacks




  1. muslims receive a lot of negative attention in the media and on the political agenda... but danes arent racists as many might think and they dont have anything against people coming from the outside as long as they behave.

    asian minorities i feel like are pretty much invisble

  2. Not too good

  3. They're very tolerant

  4. Ha! Good long as a person "conforms", I think they would be alright.....

    Yes, yes... they preach that they are tolerant but then question things that would never be an issue in Canada or the US.

  5. Not too great, as the terrorism is widely reported by media

    generally, in western Europe, is a load after a load of immigrants, and, the regular, middle class people are losing their jobs, due to lower wages, paid to immigrants.

  6. I can't stand when people who know NOTHING about Denmark say we are racist. We are one of the most tolerant and not racist countries in the world for christ sake! I mean, I can't remember the last time I heard about rasicm in Denmark...We don't have any KKK or any kind of anti-minority organisations here

    Denmark is known to be a very tolerant country, and most Danes could'nt care less if you are man or woman, white or black, g*y or straight, etc.

    If anyone is racist, it's Americans...

  7. Well, speaking as a dane, I must say that we're not the bunch of blonde racist as the world seems to believe. In fact danish people are generally tolerant and open.

    However our government is quite strict on immigration laws, so practically it's not easy to live in denmark if you're not danish.

    And about being black, don't worry...danes have nothing against that.

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