
What are the fees like for english primary schools in Cairo?

by Guest32259  |  earlier

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I want to move to cairo but want to find more information about the education feild as I would like my young daughter to study in a egnlish school, I am not sure how much the fees maybe




  1. There is a wide variety of schools in Cairo and a wide variety of prices.  If we are talking about English National Language schools like St. Joseph, St. Clare and Ramses College, then the range is about L.E. 4-8 thousand per year.  If you are talking about an English International school, the prices are very high.  I have no accurate information, but I hear about 10 000 Sterling, maybe more.  

  2. its began from 5,000 i pay for my kg2 son 4.5 thousand and about 1.500 LE for the bus in the English school Heliopolis  

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