
What are the first signs that we are getting old? Is forgetfulness one of them?

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What are the first signs that we are getting old? Is forgetfulness one of them?




  1. Forgetfulness could be one although sometimes it can be due to or is the effect of having undergone a major surgery.  Then, there's the wrinkles and the onset of gray hairs and again, the causes may be related to too much exposure to sun and living a very stressful life.  The best evidence of getting old is the age of a person itself.  They say that when one has passed date 31 of the calendar, one is considered "old".  Another sign is when a person becomes irritable or somewhat cantankerous for no reason at all.  Some call it mid-life crisis, others call it pms.  Whatever it is though, it is a clear sign that one is getting on in years.

  2. Dont know,i cant remember.

  3. can't maintain an erection?!

  4. when you keep saying "back in my day..." or when you go into an antique shop you go " oh, i remember these!".

    & yes, forgetfulness is a sign :)

  5. if people started calling you ate or kuya

  6. Forgetfulness is one of many signs.  Other signs include getting tired easily; thinning or greying hairs; failing eyesight, etc.

  7. Yes, but believe me, you'll know.

    When I first realized that I was getting old, I noticed that I peed up.

  8. What was the question again??? I dont recall....

  9. yup

  10. Not necessarily.

    It is just different for everybody, for some the first signs are physical, loss of hair, gray hair, wrinkles, etc.

    For some it is mental, forgetfulness being common.

    But I would argue that the very first signs that a person is getting old is that they care too much about how old they are.

    The young couldn't care less about their age, some of the time they wish they were older.

  11. "Old" is too subjective.  Just check your ID and read the birthdate.  If its a long time ago, thats a sure sign your gettin old.

  12. Forgetfulness is one. Being too sensitive and emotional. And of course, very evident, wrinkles.

  13. more nagging

    less s*x

  14. even young people forget things. Wrinkles are the signs that says one is getting old.

  15. Yeah, forgetfulness is just one of them. For the ladies, the real problem is slower metabolism...hello weight problems and all sorts of skin problems.

  16. Forgetfulness is just one of them - missing keys, cell, eyeglasses, etc.

    The following also: slower reaction time esp. when driving; also, eating less, as the metabolism gets slower. going to bed early,getting irritated by loud noise, constipation, hard of hearing, tiredness, irritability, taking constant naps -these are all classic symptoms of getting old.

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