
What are the first steps in getting started in cake decorating?

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My daughter is 14 and she is obssessed with cake decorating tv shows. This is the first time she has had a passion so I would like to know where to get her started. What would you suggest?




  1. If you have a Michael's or a JoAnn's store in your area..that would be the cheapest way to go. They give lessons all the time and they also have all the tools she would need and even books on the subject.

  2. decorating with icing takes a lot of practice.  since I don't know her skill level or interest level, you might start by purchasing a small assortment of decorating tips and using them with simple plastic storage bags.  Look for some books for kids, and there are some fun sprinkles in the stores to experiment with.  here is a fantastic website you might look at:

  3. Sign her up for a class in "Introduction to Cake Decorating".  They usually offer them at a good price at community centres or you could ask a local cake supply store if they hold classes (most do).  That is the best place since she will have to purchase basic tools (decorating tips and pastry bag, etc.) and they will sell them there.  I started that way and now have been decorating cakes for 14 years and absolutely love it.

  4. I'm not sure where you live at, but we have a Michael's craft store here that offers cake decorating classes. Each of those classes of 4 weeks long and there's 4 classes and she'll even get a certificate of completion. if you don't have a Michael's store check any of your craft stores or go to and click on classes and I believe you can enter your zip code and it will tell you where the classes are.

  5. sign her up for a class at your local craft store (AC Moore ,Micheals) To just buy her a kit and do it will not work trust me..

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