
What are the first steps to take when planning a motorcycle benefit ride?

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I live in PA, and have already contacted the local chapter of the organization we are raising money for, what do I do next?




  1. Many years ago, an adult musician approached Wolfgang  Mozart. The musician asked Herr Mozart.... Please Sir, I'd like to write a concerto.  Mozart replied, but Sir, shouldn't you stick to something simpler for your first attempt, maybe a piece for a  single instrument?  The musician replied but Herr Mozart, you wrote a full symphony when you were 9 years old.  Mozart replied.....ahhhhhh  yes,  this true. Actually I was 8; but I didn't have to ask how!

    So If you have to ask how you may be over your head. For sure get some folks on your committee who do know how and have experiance.

  2. Steve "Papaw" Pyatte is a local legend here and has organized tons of rides.  I would highly suggest going to and ordering his book toward the bottom of the page titled "Your Guide to Organizing a Motorcycle Ride".  It's $26 + $5 s/h.  Totally worth every penny.

    Best of luck.

  3. Check with all local governments for permissions and licenses required. Failure to do so can result in a bunch of citations and fines.

    Plan route to avoid gridlock areas. I suggest a nice countryside ride. Avoid congesting traffic with rest stops and your start / finish area. Use a large public park, a church parking lot  (get permission!!!!), or a shopping mall ( more permissions needed!!!).

    Set up some fun aspects like a poker run or treasure hunt in the ride.

    And get licenses and permissions and licenses and permissions because you do not want to jeopardize your next ride, K?


  4. I am a life member of the National Harley Owners Group and also former officer of our local chapter here in Florida. We Have organized and participated in hundreds of benefit rides. I enjoy poker runs the most, set up a route with about 4 stops, places with restroom, refreshments available, room for 50/50 ticket sales, and for participants to draw a card for their poker hand. You can use bars, restaurants, motorcycle dealerships, etc. You'll also need a starting point for registration, here people purchase 50/50 tickets, door prize tickets, and their poker hand ( which is a paper to keep track of cards drawn and directions for the ride), this is also when all participants (rider/passengers) sign a ride release to legally protect you and your organization against law suits. Next advertise, get the word out there. Print fliers and distribute them where ever bikers hang out. There are a lot of little details I 'm sure I didn't cover, you can E-mail me , or try contacting a local motorcycle club in your area, Harley Owners Group, the Honda Goldwingers, whoever, a local dealership can probably hook you up. Good luck! Ride Safe!

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