
What are the first three things you would do if you were president? ?

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  1. 1.Pass H.R. 25 the fairtax act to boost the economy

    2. Secure the borders and Deport illegals

    3. Get Gov't out of the peoples business

  2. Close the border and start the process of deporting illegals. The I'd have a nice steak dinner.

  3. Call for a draft to clear a bunch of trouble makers out of the country!

    Close and revamp the welfare system. Close all pet projects and turn the extra money over to public schools.

    Bring prayer back!

    try and bring patriotism back!

    Oh sorry , got carried away

    McCain 08!

  4. 1. Legalize g*y marriage, who cares what they do, its not our business and we can make money off of marriage tax as a capitalist society.

    2. Ban Tobacco and Heavy Liquor, I am not a Puritan but that stuff kills more people a year than anything illegal would in five.

    3. Go back to an isolationist policy minus to things in regards of the economy, George Washington warned at the end of his presidency to avoid "Foreign entanglements." Being treaties and pacts, they are extremely dangerous to the welfare of a country.

    4. Maintain a defensive military policy such as Japan has for the last sixty years.

    5. Cut defense spending from 150.2 Billion a year to 130.2 Billion and use the 20 Billion spare dollars on a social health care system.

    I have more but I'd have to think about it a bit more.  

  5. get rid of the bush tax cuts for the rich .

    get rid of the tax breaks for big oil

    stop giving incentive to companies who ship american jobs over sea .

  6. Remodel the white house

    get a top french cook

    get some real handsome bodyguards ;-)

    THEN I would get rid of :

    the IRS

    the federal reserve

    and all illegal aliens

  7. 1) remind the people that this is a nation based upon the sanctity of life granted by God and that abortion is a crime against humanity.

    2) warn Congress that every last bill that contains unrelated/pork appropriations will be vetoed and the specifics made public in a weekly address.

    3) announce that GW Bush will be my personal advisor.


    4) tell America that it's a GOOD thing to be an American.

    5) tell the rest of the world to F off and we'll do what we think is best.

  8. Assemble my economic, military, constitutional lawyers to curtail and terminate the mess created by President Bush. This country needs to be place on the right track; and no more derailments for the cronies and privilege at the expense of the citizens overall.  

  9. 1) Revoke all unconstitutional presidential signing statements and executive orders.

    2) Withdraw all troops immediately from Iraq, and from all superfluous military bases around the globe (like Germany, for example), and ask Congress to divert the freed up money toward maintenance of our own infrastructure, and the national debt.

    3) Abolish all executive branch departments which deal with matters better suited for handling by the individual States (the Department of Education, for example).


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