
What are the flaws of the human race?

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What are the flaws of the human race?




  1. Women have periods. And we are 'fragile' compared to many other animals

  2. eyebrows

  3. Well

    asians are perfect

    but americans like myself?:

    we overeat

    we're selfish

    we're violent


  4. We are so sure that we are above all other animals on Earth.

  5. Our egos.

  6. eyelashes    guys having 2 balls only we should have 600 balls     LOL

  7. Sin. Weakness - Pride - Freedom of Will. Humans are always searching for something to make them feel better, to feel connected, to feel whole, to make their lives better. They are searching, looking for the next new miracle juice - oil - rock - crystal - card -  statue - book - speaker - scent - treament - high. They are never satisfied...always obsessing or denying themselves ...numbing themselves with prescriptions - drugs - alcohol - s*x - food - work. The One Main Root Flaw of the Human Race? Sin. Choosing misery over pure love - pure peace. Choosing misery over everlasting life.   The denial of or refusal to... live their lives for the One that created them and everything else - the One that created all future and all history - created birth and death - the universes and the atoms!  

  8. I think the top ones are greed and power. Others are knowledge (in certain cases) and love of money.

    I hope this helps!

  9. Greed and selfishness lead to all of the others

  10. Greed - the mian cause to many of theworlds prblems caused by human.

  11. that they just can't believe in supernatural...everything have to be science..

  12. ... self is more important than fellow countrymen,

       we still do not like to go with others forgetting our interests.  

  13. the constant belief that we are different... when every human is the same when stripped to the core... we are all very much irrelavent

    this is why our quest for happiness is ironic as how will our happiness even effect the universe and time..

  14. the seven sins

  15. hate

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