
What are the food supply issues in Mexico?

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What are the food supply issues in Mexico?




  1. This question really doesn't have anything to do with TRAVEL in Mexico.Perhaps you could get an answer by posting your question in the HOMEWORK HELP section of Yahoo Answers.Good luck with your assignment!

  2. Mexico is a little short of spoons

  3. Look up issues regarding NAFTA or TLC which affects Mexico. Anything that effects the surplus of US corn that ends up being sold to mexico makes the price of corn boost up (which causes a lot of chaos given most mexican dishes is made out of corn, imagine what society here becomes when tortillas become too expensive). Biofuel is affecting Mexico because it affects the amount of corn and sugarcane available.

    But as for there's no food here we're all like in Africa? Umm.. no. The government here always keeps a reserve of staples foods (beans, rice and corn) in case of emergencies like natural disasters or drought.

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