
What are the four corners of the world?

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What are the four corners of the world?




  1. Oho...I agree...most native peoples of the Earth see North South East and West as either the 4 corners or the 4 directions. Oji-wlegisgao Jay nia

  2. That's an old expression dating back to when the world was thought to be flat.

  3. North South east and west are the 4 corners of the world

  4. North, South, East and West.

  5. Seattle-San Diego-Miami-Bangor

  6. It is where NEWS comes from.

  7. now i've seen several say,  north, south, east, and west.

    however, i would think that they would be the "edges" and the corners would be NE, NW, SE, and SW.

    and as a member in good standing of the flat earth society, i assume that i'm on firm flat ground here.  ;-)

    have a nice day.

  8. The Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania, and Africa.

  9. North, South, East and West.

    They are called 'the 4 corners of the world' because in ancient times the travelers had 4 important points to guide themselves. The 2 most important ones were the East and West because they were guiding themselves according to the sun

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