
What are the function and location of the following cells in a plant: Parenchyma...see details.?

by Guest45477  |  earlier

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1) Parenchyma

2) Collenchyma

3) Sclerenchyma

4) Vascular Cambium

5) Cork Cambium

Furthermore, I read that cork cambium actually becomes the wood of a tree. Is that true? And if so, is it present in plants? I am only interested in cells common in plants.





  1. Parenchyma cells are thin-walled cells of the ground tissue that make up the bulk of most nonwoody structures, yet sometimes their cell walls can be lignified. Parenchyma cells in between the epidermis and pericycle in a root or shoot constitute the cortex, and are used for storage of food

    Collenchyma tissue is composed of elongated cells with unevenly thickened walls. They provide structural support, particularly in growing shoots and leaves. Collenchyma tissue composes, for example, the resilient strands in stalks of celery. Its growth is strongly affected by mechanical stress upon the plant

    The vascular cambium is a lateral meristem in the vascular tissue of plants. The vascular cambium is the source of both the secondary xylem (inwards, towards the pith) and the secondary phloem (outwards), and is located between these tissues in the stem and root

    Sclerenchyma is a supporting tissue. Two groups of sclerenchyma cells exist: fibres and sclereids. Their walls consist of cellulose,hemicellulose and lignin. Sclerenchyma cells are the principal supporting cells in plant tissues that have ceased elongation.

    Cork cambium is a tissue found in many vascular plants as part of the periderm. The cork cambium is a lateral meristem and is responsible for secondary growth that replaces the epidermis in roots and stems. It is found in woody and many herbaceous dicots, gymnosperms and some monocots, which usually lack secondary growth

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