
What are the functions of campus journalism?

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What are the functions of campus journalism?




  1. If you are looking for something different and challenging activities for the students, then making them feel and be-like a journalist is one of the interesting class projects.  Campus journalism is very interactive because  the students are expected to  write easy Wh-questions, conduct short interviews in gathering information, writing short paragraphs, revising  their own grammatical mistakes, checking information, encoding, lay outing,  and a lot more.  The four major language skills are covered plus the mastery of language functions can be easily evaluated.  Moreover, the product itself (newsletter) brings the students into a deeper realization how the English language works, and it gives them more profitable reasons to appreciate the need to learn the English language.

    Meanwhile, the ESL teachers themselves can use the finish “product”  as an authentic material in any reading classes.  Since it was written by the students themselves, its language and content are very specific that every student in school (even Thai teachers) won’t find difficulty relating to it even just by looking at the photos, and thus it can also be used as an alternative to commercial student magazines.

    Not only that, the newsletter shares in creating an English atmosphere in school.   One may never know that an article written by a student may inspire others to view the English language as something necessary in their lives and not just a school requirement

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