
What are the functions of vitamines?

by Guest66779  |  earlier

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What are the functions of vitamines?




  1. They're used as co-enzymes.

    Everyone is differnt in it's specific function.

    Like Vit C is used to cross link collagen

    Vit K is used in coagulation (gamma carboxylation of AA)

    Vit E is mainly a anti-oxidant

    The list goes on and on.  Wikipedia is the best source -- as long as your not using for a source!

    I'm not sure why this is in alternative medicine, since vitamins are used in allopathic medicine more than any other type!

  2. According to, a vitamin is:

    "Any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism, found in minute amounts in natural foodstuffs or sometimes produced synthetically: deficiencies of vitamins produce specific disorders".

    It's basically a certain category of nutrients that your body needs to sustain basic health (which would in turn support life). Their basic function is to keep you healthy and alive.

  3. Vitamins are nutrients in foods that assist essential biochemical reactions within your body.

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