
What are the fundemental differences between Democrats and Republicans??

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Alight, please keep this civil and unbiased. What are the basic guidelines that each party supposedly believes in. The more information the better. Thanks!




  1. Democrats:

    1. paying taxes to help others

    2. healthcare for everyone


    1. very low taxes

    2. only worry about yourself

  2. I think one way to answer this question would be to apply the concepts of dominion and stewardship.

    Dominion is that idea that all resources are present for people to use.

    Stewardship is the idea to take care of what we have so that we can live in perpetuity.

    I find dominion to be repressive and short-sighted.  Stewardship leaves things better than they were found, or at least a recognition to minimize the impact of utilizing resources.

    I think Republicans tend to believe much more in dominion and Democrats believe more in stewardship.

    I also think that Republicans want individuals to be subservient to corporations, that individuals are responsible to pick themselves up with little or no help.  Democrats believe more in the benefits of community and helping those that are in need.

    Now, I can't say that I am unbiased because I am not, but I do think I have been civil.

  3. why is when the republican companies want deregulation and no interference from the government suddenly turn to the government and

    to the people that they wanted to stay out of their business when they implode by their own greed~??!!!

    thats about as civil as i can get~!!!

  4. The Basics:

    Republicans believe that by helping corporations and rich people that own corporations, that they will employ more average people and there will be more jobs and that will make a stronger economy.

    Democrats believe that by helping the average person ( some times with hand outs ) instead of the rich and corporations that the public will be better off.  Then the average person will be able to spend more and make the economy better.

    Neither way is perfect.  I like the way the country works when we have the congress controlled by one party and the presidency controlled by another party.  That is when the country usually works best.

  5. Republicans stand for common sense, along with sound and reasonable laws. They might not always be the best examples, but at least they want to establish the right ways as goals for society.

    Democrats,OTOH, stand for blatant depravity and they want to throw away decent and sane laws, altogether, and they believe that whatever feels good should be the law, even if it involves eating yourself into oblivion and ballooning up to 300 pounds, or any sort of licentiousness including all forms of sodomy.

    The Democratic Party has gone downhill so much, that it is no longer legitmate, in my opionion, and it should be closed down by the authorities.

  6. Republicans: want to have little government controlling everything, support business and companies, they are usually pro-life...low-taxes... the less government involvment the better...

    Democrats: usually want to have big governments...want a lot of help from the taxes for welfare...supporters of g*y marriages...

  7. Republicans as god's representatives on earth.

  8. It used to be the Democrats believed that the public knew what was best for themselves and the republicans believed only a select few had the sense to make those decisions. But today, both of those primary political parties have decided to make up your mind for you!

  9. Republicans

    *Personal responsibility: no abortions, death penalty, no welfare

    *Economic freedom: Low taxes, do what you want with your money.

    *Protect America: Strong military and defense budget


    *No responsiblity for your actions: abortions, no death penalty, easy jail sentences, welfare

    *No economic freedom: high taxes, restrictions of where your money goes, required government programs (Social Security, nationalize health care, etc..)

    *Weak American: Small defense budget.

    Basically, Republicans believe that you should have to work hard to be successful. Democrats believe those who work hard should have to share their wealth.

    Republicans:Personal responisibility

    Democrats: No responsilibty/government responsibility

  10. Republicans depend on themselves. Democrats think the government should be their provider, whether they want to work or not.

  11. Democrats:



    ~Favor same s*x marriage

    ~Low defense spending

    ~Universal health care




    ~Lower taxes

    ~Oppose same s*x marriage

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