
What are the gas chambers/Heights like?

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Just wandering how the gas chanbers feel during army bct. What reactions will you have? How long will you stay in there? Also, what will you have to do height wise? WIll you repell down the tower? How high? Im Deathly scared of heights, how bad is it going to be?




  1. 1st off, you will get over that height thing. Or be called a coward. Your choice. And yeah, if your scared of heights, (like me), its gonna suck. But you WILL do it. Pride won't allow anything else.

    The gas chamber.... Ahhhhh, memories! This was my vision of h**l at the time. The c**p burns your skin, makes you sweat, and the whole thing looks like the set from a bad horror movie. And thats before you take your mask off! Once you do that; then the fun really starts! Your eyes water and burn like you got hot sauce in 'em, your nose runs like the flu x100, and you drool like one of Jerry's kids! And forget about getting a breath. You cough like a 40 year, 3 pack a day smoker. Of course, just to make it fun, you have to recite your serial number, home town/state, and complete name before you can get out.

    Then the puking begins.

    Sounds fun, huh? Just remember, it won't last too long; and I never heard of anyone dying in there. Good Luck!

  2. the chamber is not's about two three min of tearing watering eyes. Snot pouring out of your nose and  It's over before you know it really. Don't think to much about!  eveybody has done it and it's'll do fine

  3. You know how it feels like getting shampoo in your eyes?  That's what the gas chamber feels like...except it feels like that all over your body.  If you rub your eyes or wipe your skin, it only makes it WORSE!!!  Your eyes will water, your mouth will salivate, and you will snot all over yourself. happens to everyone.  And as much as you want to wipe your mouth our nose because you don't want to be embarrassed....don't do hurts and will burn longer.  You're in the chamber for a good 5-10 minutes with your mask on.  You'll do some exercises to make you break a sweat (which aids in the burning of your skin for the gas effect) and then they'll have you break the seal of your mask to ensure you know how to clear your mask in a chemical environment.

    You'll do many confidence courses.  You'll have to go over a 4 ft wall, a 8 ft wall and then use teamwork to get over a 10 ft wall.  I fell from the top of a 10 ft wall, but my landing was pretty soft (sawdust).  Eventually, you'll have to overcome your acrophobia.  Ft Jackson has Victory Tower.  If you're afraid of heights, the DS will tell you to keep your eyes on them.  It's a test of mental strength.  

  4. Millions of us have been thru it and we survived.

    Don't worry about it - just do it.

    Everything is over with in (usually) a few minutes and you move on.  These are great confidence builders and you will be amazed at how you will change.

  5. The gas chamber isn't that bad. You'll have a burning sensation on skin areas exposed and have tears of joy (haha) when you exit the chamber. They'll make you do push-ups and whatnot to open your pores.

    You'll learn to overcome your fear of heights. The whole 'look down' thing never works. Just focus on executing whatever obstacle/task you are assigned, you're in good hands.

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