
What are the gas prices in your area..?

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a gallon.

mines 5.17

tell me what you think about it.




  1. I live in Gainesville Florida a college town. Gas right now is $3.71. However it topped out at $4.16 awhile back.

  2. i think you shoud go outside and scream help to a point it cause's a earth quake in IrachIranee, and all the sandfleas fall into the oil and try to swim .God said One nation under God , not under the sand.

  3. I live by the beach in destin ,fla so its tourist area runs about 3.79 its in panhandle between panama city beach and pensacola,I think its still too high and schools and work need to go to four day work week.

  4. 3.79 a gallon

    In Southwestern Pennsylvania

  5. That is ridiculous! Ours dropped yesterday to 3.38. Hopefully yours will drop soon.

  6. If you're in the U.S. at that ridiculous you are either in Death Valley, Alaska or your gas station is gauging prices, for it could be the only gas station for miles.

    Gas prices in my area (Central California) has just dropped below the $4 mark at $3.98.

  7. $3.83 in Sierra Vista, AZ.  The prices dropped six cents in the last four days.

    I expect the prices to drop more, and am no longer tanking up all the way anymore.

  8.    $ 2.00  new zealand duble what it was two years ago  thats now about $ 1.40  U S and thats still to much  

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