
What are the general problems that can be encountered in workplace?

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What are the general problems that can be encountered in workplace?




  1. In reference to what ????  There are a zillion things that can happen.... are you talking about career problems, co-worker problems ????

  2. It depends where you work. There can be physical and mental problems. One of the worst problems in any work place is mental. That is in the form of troublemaking gossips and a$$ kissers.

  3. I do not know what types of problems that you mean.  

    But I can tell you the lack of ethics causes alot of problems!

  4. Numerous unfortunately.

    Disobedience, failure to follow safe working practices, would have to be the worst .

    The essential cause of the majority of industrial accidents - White & Blue collar environments.

  5. I can think of at least 100 ways to answer this question, all of which would be grossly incomplete.

    Would you mind reposting with at least an area of concern?

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