
What are the global measures taken for conservation of environment?

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What are the global measures taken for conservation of environment?




  1. they are few.  

    but when nations combine their efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions (kyoto protocol), or to quit harvesting marine life in sensitive areas in the oceans, the effect is much more pronounced than if an effort is made alone.

    what makes global measures for conservation so difficult?  you have many nations with leaders possessing different priorities... conserving the environment might take a back seat to national security, economic interests, etc.  even if they can be all seated, making recommendations that are both effective and agreeable to all is difficult.

    some strategies are undertaken by individuals as well as governments on a large scale, if not a global one.  many industrialized nations are now sponsoring or supporting development of alternative energy sources, increased recycling efforts, land use strategies such as permaculture and walkable communities, which encourage conservation.  unfortunately, many nations also are not.

  2. The Kyoto accord specifies most of the current efforts.  We shouldn't forget the UN treaty on Antarctica though.  Without that, there probably would have been much more development there by now.  Oh, and the UN Heritage sites to encourage wildlife and forest conservation.

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