
What are the goals of the EU and what are the five main ways the EU hopes to accomplish these goals?

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The EU being the European Union.




  1. The whole reason when I lived in Finland in 1990 they said it would never work. Germany and England have to say the least strained ties. This was a major concern before it's inception. Another is xenophobic countries losing their identity to what they perceived as "THE UNITED STATES OF EUROPE." another big problem. Stronger banking systems and fiscal responsible nations having to carry the burden of other countries deficits like Italy was a factor. The fact that England is still using Pound Sterling at least they were a member when I went in 2002 but didn't take my Euro's..bizarre. Maybe that changed now.  The goals of the EU is to maintain it's strong currency and emerging power but

    if that fails keeping countries from dissident would be a h**l of a mess. As long as the currency is strong and people are happy with the system it can and did emerge from the critics as a success. However not all members are fans as without borders many nations feel like they lost their national identity and the novelty is wearing thin. Farmers in a mass production Union lost everything when they voted in Finland..a major concern for a country of 5 million. Still Europe is light years ahead of the USA in social programs,health care,technology, and education. The currency is strong but the taxes are extremely high. Oil obviously is a concern. And to strenghten these ties means

    buying from the cheapest seller with the closest proximity. Russia. Also a semi cold war is brewing with the United States as the big EU dog emerges the victor and outs the rouge United States as supreme leader could arise some formidible tensions. But that was the goal in the first place...and they are achieving it.


  3. The main goal of the EU is to unite Europe into a place that looks almost as big as the U.S. on a map.

  4. EU is a comlete union in itself. The union’s aims are about all economical and political subjects that are related to whole Europe(as social, as economical, as climatical, envorimental,etc). EU’s this goals can reorganise firstly Europe countries and then may be all over the world. But the main problem is comprehending the unions philosophy and become adaptating to decisions. World needs democratic federations or unions to guarrantie its countiuousness.

    EU can be used to arranged:

    1. Trading for equalty,

    2. Oil distrubution (esp. For envorimental problems),

    3. Health of  population,

    4. Peace,

    5. Every kind of education and traning people systematically for all problems of the world

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