
What are the golf betting rules?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am a novice golf bettor and have a desire to place bets on golf events. Therefore, I am looking for compact golf betting rules. Can you specify, some helpful golf betting rules for my aid.




  1. f you stand on the first tee of a golf course and watch foursomes as they begin their rounds, in all likelihood you will hear the language of golf betting. "A little game, gentlemen (or ladies)? Two bucks, automatic two downs, six hole matches, long and short off the first tee?" Betting is an integral part of the game of golf and a bit of knowledge will help a neophyte avoid playing the role of a patsy.
    Difficulty: Easy


          Understand the differences between types of games. "Match play" is a game where players compete on every hole rather than total score. "Medal play" is a game where competition is based upon total score. "Stableford" is a form of competition more popular in Europe than the United States and based upon points for bogies, pars, birdies and eagles.

          Understand what a "press" is. A press is basically the creation of a new bet. Usually, only players who are "down" (losing) can press. Often, it will be agreed that only when players are "down two" (having lost two holes more than they have won) can they press.

          Understand how handicaps can be used so that players of various levels of skill can still compete with each other. Usually a USGA handicap is used in this regard, but anything can be negotiated on the first tee.

          Learn the Nassau bet well since it is the most classic bet in golf. If you know and understand this bet, you can always fall back upon it rather than venturing into the potentially devastating worlds of "Pig and Wolf" or "Bridge."

          Develop strategies for negotiating "strokes" before the round begins. For example, securing as much of an advantage as possible regarding how many strokes you must give or how many are given. Also, make sure you define exactly when you are allowed to press. The more freedom there is about when a person can press, the more a press can be used to apply pressure on your opponent.

          Expand the games that you play once you master the Nassau. There are more ways of gambling on a golf course than you can imagine. For example, consider "Bingo, Bango, Bongo"...

    Read more: How to Bet on the Golf Course |

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