
What are the good and bad aspects of the age you are at now?

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For example, I think being a teenager is good in that you really start to be your own person and discover so much and to have fun with dating, music, style etc but the hormones and heartaches! And the frustration of having to go to school...! And spots!

Twenties = freedom, exploration and loads of energy and fun fun fun but on the down side you may still not know yourself though you think you do, or may be broke or have exam pressure for example.

Thirties = you know yourself and can still have fun fun fun but on the down side, your body begins the rebellion....and you will never be twenty something again boo hoo!

So, what is good and bad about your CURRENT age?

I'd particularly like to hear from older people but all genuine answers appreciated thank you.




  1. im 13

    good- dont have to work, dont have to worry about ur future much, and can just pretty much live carefree

    bad- lot of kids think they're all that, school obviously, loving someone u can never have, unable to get a job if u really want one (me), and cliques

  2. too many back injuries have left me getting too stiff....too many ankle injuries too and a current foot injury of 11 yrs still healing....cant play tennis or get enough exercise anymore..

  3. Good aspects - You´ve had a varied life full of ups and downs but have a wealth of advice and knowledge to share that you wish you had when you were 20.

    Bad aspects - you look in the mirror and see some old hag that you dont feel you know, and your kids treat you like you are 10, giving you advice and instructions as if they know more than you about driving, parking, computers, food, mobile phones, exercise in fact anything!!

    Don´t get old, and if you do, don´t have kids!!

    (I´m over 50)

  4. I am 38.

    Good - I still feel really young and still have more years ahead of me.

    I am dating a guy right now and really enjoy it.

    bad- my body hurts at times when I am at work. My work is physical. I can tell at times that I am getting older which doesn't make me too happy.

    I have two years to go and I will be 40. Yikes. I never saw myself hit the big one.

    I still live with my parents because in a way it is good and in a way it is bad.

    I can save money but then I don't like living with them because they drive me nuts at times.  

  5. I'll be sixty-four in October. I have already submitted all the paperwork needed to begin collecting Social Security, plus I will have two other pension incomes. The good part of that is that I can retire and be economically sound. I can travel whenever I want to, spend all day doing nothing or all day doing what I want. I won't have a set schedule, no one to answer to as far as work performance, no pressing things to do. I will have  freedom to do, or not do, whatever I want. That's the good part of it.

    The bad part is not having a strict schedule to guide me through the day, not looking forward to the weekends since everyday will be a Saturday. I will miss the people I have worked with for years. And there are the physical aspects of being my age -- my eyesight isn't what it used to be, at least one part of my body aches every day, and my body movements are not as smooth as they once were.

    I think I will adapt to not working in time but I know the first few months will be difficult.

  6. I'm 29 and what's good in my age is the wisdom that i have due to my past experiences in life.  The bad side though is I'm gonna be 3-0 by next year & I'm still single as of now. I'm starting to feel like catching the last train bound to coupledom & marriage. :(

  7. my age: 17-21 age group

    good things: i have alot more freedom to do whatever i want, adults are finally starting to respect what i have to say, im given alot more responsibilities, people around me are starting to grow up and not laugh every time someone says 'p***s'.

    bad things: its still somewhat of an awkward stage; i have to be careful not to cross the line of either looking too young or looking too old, alot of stuff is being burdened on me all of a sudden, i have to start thinking about my independence for when im an adult.

    but im just trying to enjoy each moment rather than focus on the bigger picture :)

  8. I'm 32 and love being this age for some reasons. I don't look or act my age so get away with a lot but I also get pressure from some sources to settle down, have kids, house, the car and so on. I'm doing pretty well in my career at the moment as a teacher of English and might do one more abroad before setting my own business up. My parents are great and always encourage me as do my friends. It's the people I meet who have these expectations that at 32 you're too old to go out and be silly. I'm not drawing my pension yet and you're only as old or young as how you feel! I don't wear short skirts anymore but they don't suit me but I'm quite content at the moment and get some days when I feel blue. All in all, I'm okay and will still be bopping around the dance floor and doing karaoke at 70 so ride on as we're a long time dead!

  9. Fourteen:

    That whole hormonal flux thing isn't good D:  Makes you go head over heels over any person you see.  Nor is the fact that it's not a good milestone in life, as one can't work at 14 (without a permit) or drive, etc.

    With being 14, you are so close yet so far to independence is not cool.

    I don't mind the whole discovering yourself thing :)

  10. Well - the good aspect of being old is that you have the university of life behind you, but that does not always mean that one has learnt by ones mistakes.

    The bad aspects are too many to list, but here are some favourites -

    Feeling still young in ones mind, but the mirror tells a different story.

    People being condensending by calling


    Not being wolf whistled any more.

    But at the end of the day it is still good to be alive!

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