
What are the good and bad effects of american occupation in the philippines?

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What are the good and bad effects of american occupation in the philippines?




  1. i keep comparing the good life year in america to what we have in the philippines.

    how corrupt the government there that make you puke.

  2. good effect: People don't need to get a degree to work in a call center. Which is good because education is getting expensive nowadays. Also they compensate more.

    bad effect: Now people all want to be white! trying hard to speak english. Correcting somebody that don't speak fluent english. Plus, they usually become obese and have a high blood pressure for staying up late and sitting all night while eating.

  3. Sometimes I wished that, had they stayed longer, graft and corruption in government might have been less of a way of life in our country.  

  4. Liberation is the right word because we were liberated from Spain and the Japanese..

    I could only see good effects like modernization, free thinking, democracy, more wealth..

    The bad ones may be the abuses like rape and murder but those were individual crimes.. Filipinos do more crimes to other Filipinos a thousand fold everyday..

  5. Not one person has mentioned the terrible effect that the American gun laws has had on the country.

  6. what i learned from grandpa and according to him (pre-ww2 era)


    - filipinos were fluent in english

    - learned to drink coke (coke was in powder form to mix with water)

    - all the candy bars at every corner

    - learned the western dance

    - learned western sports esp. baseball

    - could easily migrate to america during those times


    - filipinos learned to curse eg "gaddammit", "d*amnyou"

    - learned to drink imported liquor and smoke imported cigarettes

    - learned to chew chewing gum endlessly

  7. The Good- the republican form of government, the american public school system, introduction to american sports, pastimes, movies, music, vices, etc

    The Bad-sadly it is also all of the above.

  8. all I know is that Philippines is very very westernized, and I think too much is not good...

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