
What are the good interview quetions about the depression ??

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What are the good interview quetions about the depression ??




  1. Wow. I apologize.  I didn't see the word "the" in your question and gave you a totally dumb answer.  Now that I read it correctly, I can give some advice.  My parents live through the depression.  My mom always told us about bread lines and how she had to quit school in 8th grade to help her mother out.  She made only 5 cents an hour.  They had no labor laws back then so a child could work at a young age.  So you would ask a person who has been through it,

    "How old were you during the depression"

    "How much money did you make IF you had a job?"

    Did you stand in bread lines and what was it like?"

    I'll tell you one thing, my mom was the oldest of 5 kids.  My rotten grandfather left my grandmother after the last child was born.  He came to the US from Quebec with my grandmother and her children, then met a younger woman, left his wife and returned to Quebec.  All this during the depression.  My poor grandmother really had a tough time as did my mom because she had to leave school to work in a factory.  Life was tough during those times.  You will only get real answers from someone who has lived through it.  Good luck and sorry for goof up.

  2. It would help if you tell us who you are interviewing.

  3. What amendment enacted prohibition and which amendment ended it?

  4. If you can find someone who remembers the Great Depression, try some of these questions.

    What do you remember most vividly about the Depression?

    Did you have any contact with farmers, people on relief, vagrants, Okies, people who lost money when their bank failed?

    How did the Depression effect education?

    Where there any groups that were talking about revolution?

    Who was President during the Depression. What did he do to help end it?

    How did the New Deal relate to the Depression?

    How did the death of FDR effect the nation?

    What did wealthy people do during the Depression?

    How did the Depression change the way the people looked toward the federal government?

  5. 1- what caused the depression?

      2  What were some of the effects that it had on the lives of people?

      3  How did people cope during that time?

      4  How did we get out of the depression?

      5  What role if any, did the government play in it?

      6  who  was president at that time?

      7  How long did the depression last?

      8  Will there ever be another depression?

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