
What are the good paying Jobs?

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I had a talk with my dad and he wanted me at the peak of my life to be earning 40 dollars an hour.I am going to grade 11 this year so that means I do have time to pursue that job.




  1. You should take those test that give you an idea of what you would be good at because even if I told you certain positions they may not be suited for you.

    The test really work and I would suggest you do these several times in the next 5 years but for sure during the next 3 years

  2. Wow.  Your dad seems really money-driven and plans to be in control of your life for a long while.  That's not good!

    What do YOU want to earn?  What do YOU want to do?  Those are the important questions.  If you're creative enough, you can find a good paying job in anything you want to do.  You have plenty of time to decide, and if you start a job that you don't like, don't be afraid to start another one!  Our generation is much different from your dad's.  People don't work at the same job for 30 years anymore.

  3. Earn a living doing what you like.  It may or may not be $40 per hour, but it also might not matter to you since you are doing something you enjoy.  There are cases where sanitation workers (garbage collectors) earn more than teachers but which one would you rather be doing?

  4. sell drugs

  5. its not that easy to make that kind of money if your not out of high school but when you do get out of high school you should pursue any job in the medical feild, they all pay well.

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