
What are the good sides of gambling?

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there are many warnings against gambling, being that you lose all your money, its a con, you get in debt, you're likely to get hooked and hardly ever win. However, there must be some good points about gambling. does anyone know of any? for instance, is it true the governmnet recieves all takings and the money gets put towards things for everybody??? thankyou for any answers.




  1. guess what matt w is write it works

    just click here

  2. if you want to bingo sign up here then go on gala and you get 5 pound free play

    just copy the web paste it then sign up trust me you will not regret it i did it and won 3,000

  3. It is fun to gamble.

  4. Truth is if you are a looser you are a compulsive gambler, but if you a big winner you are a pro,and if you win the power ball you are very rich.

    It gives older people something to do other than sit on a couch or in a bar.

  5. If you're talking about casino games, apart from promoting your own quick thinking, mental agility, and math skills, there's not much else in it apart from the money.

    In the UK, the National Lottery gives a substantial amount of the takings to charities and good causes. It also makes available grants to non-profit organisations, which are used for many things - you can read about the scale of the donations and what they have been used for on the National Lottery website.

  6. yes that is true. say u gamble $100 and you win the game and you come out with $1000 (just using an example here). the government would get a certain percentage of what you won. so let's say they get 10% of your total winnings. so then you'd end up with only $900. I think they actually take more though. I do know that the more you win the more they take.

  7. well only good points i can think of is that occasionally if u r very lucky u will win some gambles and earn a large amount of money

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