
What are the good things about being a hypocrite? URGENT!?

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Why do you think being a hypocrite is good? How does it help society or the development of people? Thanks!




  1. always think good about yourself = high self esteem because you think you are always right in what you do and nobody else is.

  2. you can run for president

  3. Good question how can it be good being a hypocrite when all they do is give ambiguous info out...

  4. umm.. nothing is good about being a hypocrite. that shows u have no life and are not a true person..

  5. Hiding ones faults from others may be good for short term as it gives the appearance of goodness in a society for others to look up to.  The drawback of that is the hypocrite will almost always be caught and then the disappointment of the ideal leaves people feeling skeptical.  They should not however let their skepticism be their guide.  It only takes one mistake or changing ones mind, being unsure or misguided to turn oneself into a hypocrite.  Is there really a person alive that can go through their entire life without being a hypocrite at least once?  Should we all stop trying to be good then to avoid hypocrisy?  No, we must always strive for some type of ideal even if we sometimes fall short.

  6. If you have glaucoma and tell your children to not smoke pot while you are lighting up a joint makes you a hypocrite, well then there is one good thing

  7. It doesn't. Hypocrites aren't good people

  8. well it I don't think there's too much about it that's good. But I'll answer your question nonetheless. Um... I guess the people around you learn about how you should act, even though you personally don't? This is a very weird question, Spitzer is that you trying to make yourself feel better?

  9. I think a little bit of hypocitism is a good thing. It shows that a person is willing to change their mind about a subject or idea. Yes it can make a person seem disingenuous if done too often or about something that can put the person's character in question. However done with some sincerity and being up front about how it is hypocritical in nature. I would find it difficult to say that their hypocrisy is a bad thing.

    Lets take the opposite side, a person is considered sincere and right if they are steadfast about there opinions, but if taken to far the same person seen as stubborn and unwilling to see truth.

  10. Being  a hypocrite dose not help society , but it does make u look  like an idiot that no one want to trust

    i hate hypocrites

    don't be one

    why would u any way

  11. No matter're always right, to yourself.

  12. helping others notice their bad areas?

    bringing enemies together to hate you?

    having an excuse to become emo?

  13. That's because there are no good things about being a hypocrite. Just because everyone does it at one point or another doesn't make it good. It's just human nature, something that everyone does.

  14. Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society. Just imagine having to be completely truthful about everything. We would all go mad.

  15. You look like more as politician. Not a sincerely person. The good thing is that seemingly that you do not have enemies and you just act hypocrite and is good for a moment but will kill you slowly.

  16. I haven't heard anyone say that being a hypocrite is good. If they say it is, they just don't want to admit to being wrong or showing that they are ashamed

  17. Its not really good or bad, it just is what it is-

    1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

    2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

    — hypocrite adjective

    hypocrites can be critical thinkers

    they are usually strong-willed because they can dish it out even when it goes against what they are actually doing...


  18. there are tons of hypocrites in history peopl  who could start a movement but couldn't follow it though today being sucsessful while being a hypocrite is harder because everyone knows everything

  19. I  believe being a  hypocrite destroys society & the development  of people.

  20. Sure didn't help Elliot Spitzer lawl he got pwned.

  21. Well you get further ahead in your job = nobody likes you = management position...I saw it happen alot of times.

    Backstabbing.  Like in Survivor.

  22. it soesnt thats like asking why do you think being a murderer is good

  23. None that I can think of,........that's a tough one.

  24. No, everyone is not hypocrite.

    1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

    2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

    I have never fit either definition.  

    If you are not an actor on stage you need not act as definition #1.

    There aer many people who do fall under #2.  These people have other names like two-faced.

    The only help to society at large is by the negative example of what not to do or be.

  25. Makes the person always right.  It' helps change other peoples minds about something and inprove genaeral well being.   For theriredically speaking .... there was a pro life person who killed all the killers to rid the world of killers,.....there are many other examples.....that's just one exteme example  that I heard of just to prove a point.  she/he would be the hypocrite.  I'm sure you can think of many other example.  looking at religion, teachers, politions, the animal rights people.....they spead warnings and tell what should be done to get people to change thier actions even if they are doing it them selves cause some will stop.....well maybe not.   Here's another example....someone going around telling people to use condoms but don't use them themselves....they get other people to use them and stop some spead of std's and prevent unwanted babies.....

    People think that they are smart telling other's what to do or not to do controlling other's, it makes them feel good.  But that's another subject to write about....

    Well I hope I was some help to yea!!

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