
What are the good things that George W Bush did to improve the USA? ?

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I'm always hearing negative things about him. What about the good things?

Republicans aren't that bad.




  1. 1. Even though it may have been poorly implemented, I agree in principle to the No Child Left Behind program.

    2. Signed the partial-birth abortion ban into law.

    3. Provided much needed funding for the military.

    4. Severely damaged the Al-qaeda network

    5. Tax Cuts

  2. Tap dancing on the steps of the White House with a baby smile on the face. Everybody loves him when he do not talk, or act.

  3. Had great relations with Russia and Putin!!! add no republicans are not bad its people like Rumnfield,cheney,Bush,the bushco 7 that have reduced the republicans to a pile of useless trsh.....

  4. He united the Democratic Party.

  5. He made the rich richer. But that's only a good thing if you ask them.

  6. I know its fashionable to knock Bush, but, honestly I can;t think of a single thing he's done that has been good. The Middle East is on fire, the economy is heading for recession, one could mention Katrina and America is hated around the world.

    To borrow from the ill-fated campaign in Iraq, his Presidency has been 'shocking and aweful'.

  7. He made Iran one of the richest and most powerful countries in the Middle East and the world.

    Iranians love him.

  8. The only thing I can think of is something he hasn't done yet but when he does it will be a great improvement to our security. That is when he goes back to Texas in January 09. He has been a complete and total failure at everything else.

  9. Fought back after 9-11; Clinton allowed 5 attacks & did zero.

    Beat Gore & Kerry...that in itself saved America.

  10. The most important thing that Bush did was confront Islamo-terrorism.  A weak response to the attacks of 9/11 would have brought greater attacks against the U.S.  

    Although Iraq is currently unpopular, as long as we don't leave Iraq prematurely and allow it to fall into extremist hands, setting up a democracy in the heart of the middle east will reap benefits for generations.  

    The Bush tax cuts are the only reason we are not in a recession currently, and for those idiots that say we are already in a recession the definition says we need two quarters of negative growth, we have not even had one quarter!  

    The ban on partial birth abortions, truly a barbaric act.  

    No child left behind, although not even close to perfect at least a step in the right direction.  

    Not signing the Kyoto treaty, this would have crippled our economy and infringed on our sovereignty.  

    Tried to get drilling in An war and domestic offshore oil exploration, if it would have gone through when it was proposed we would currently be buying a million barrels a day less from Saudi Arabia and other hostile governments.  

    Although I hate the prescription drug benefit, it did help many seniors.  

    There are many other things he did right, but the politicians need something to run on and the media has hated him from the beginning.  I personally can't stand his record on spending and not vetoing a lot of pork filled bills, but those problems would have been much worse if a democrat had been in office.  Look at the spending Obama has proposed, the current deficit will look like nothing if this guy gets in.

  11. Cleaned up the Enron mess.

    Stopped any more attacks on the US.

    lowered taxes

  12. Over a million people have stopped exhaling green house gas due to Bush.

  13. That's a difficult question.

  14. The second best thing is he saved us from an Al Gore Presidency.  The very best thing he did was save us from a John, the Gigolo, Kerry Presidency.

  15. well there's ,,,, and there is. ok i give up what's the answer.

  16. kept us from praying to Allah six times a day at gunpoint

  17. He made American to realize that politically they are the most misinformed people on this planet. lol


    Edit : Oops "Thumb Downs", OK at least he tried! lmao.

  18. he made more enemies :p

  19. Liberation of Iraq, almost no unemployment.

  20. cost of houses has gone down, however we still can't afford them.  

  21. So far our kids aren't being bombed in there back yard,and the terrorist have been held back..As for President Bush being the cause of the economy it takes congress to approver or disaprove .to pass anything to do with the economy

  22. ah


    he grins and jerks his shoulders around a lot.

    and he'll be leaving soon....


  23. Um....Uh...Wait....I'm sorry...I'll have someone get back to you on that.

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