
What are the great, the good, the bad, and the worst things about Vancouver?

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I plan on moving there in the future, and I would like to know the struggles of living there, the areas to avoid, the areas to be, the perks of living in Vancouver, what is expected to see everyday, and stuff that people who live there should know. :) Thanks.




  1. outdoor paradise.. sailing, sking, kayaking, hiking, cycling etc..   year round. multicultural

    climate decent and surroundings beautiful.

    Bad things... traffic, house prices and lots of overcast/rain in the winter. summer is good with no humidity,  

    Areas to be;  North Van/West van or downtown ...pricey tho..... affordable areas; Burnaby, Surrey, Coquitlam.... Areas to really avoid; downtown eastside Main to Rupert around the east Hasting street area area thats about it.  

  2. Bad things: The rain, s****. people, horrible road networks, no amusement parks, high taxes

    Good things: Warmer than the rest of Canada, beautiful scenery

  3. Rent is pricey, and there are fewer and fewer rental units available as more places go condo. The lower east side is the armpit of Canada. I know it's not the fault of the people there that they are mentally ill/addicted, but still it's a sad sight to see-although not as "dangerous" as you might think. On the plus side the sea and the mountains are nice, the weather is mild and if you are into cannabis it's very well tolerated and the quality is very good.  

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