
What are the greatest achievements of each race?

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such as science, wealth,music,sports,power etc




  1. Strangely enough it was The Human Race that invented all those things...

  2. germans: master inventors

    greeks and italians: western civilization is rooted today in everything that gave us thousands of years ago. philosophy, science, technology, etc.

  3. French - how to be obnoxious

    Germans - how to goosestep

    Russians - How to rip off your fellow countrymen

    Scottish - how to get drunk

    Israelis - how to not spend money

    English - sense of fair play

    Arabs- how to kill people eTC etc

  4. I always though that the american one was "Fear each other and everyone else"

  5. Hot potatoe this one.

    The Jews contributed Einstein and many others.England gave us the industrial revolution,which encouraged the cotton picking slave trade.So,blacks gave us cotton through their slavery and out of this came haunting ,blue melodies.America gave us the first atomic bomb and the situation in Iran today.South Africa gave us oil from coal and the first heart transplant.They also gave us apartheid.England still has apartheid but is usually based on bloodline and wealth.Japan gave us nintendo. Sony,panasonic etc gave us many more gadgets. India gave us the kamasutra. Columbia gave us cocaine.Afghanistan gave us opium but Switzerland produces the purest form. The Swiss gave us the army knife which is banned in UK now.I don't know-too many to mention.

  6. blacks- common gospel spirituals. the building of the southern economy. taking the blame for early ignorances. inventions of a lotta things. changing the face of music and sports since the 60's.

  7. you missed Americans - how to party

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