
What are the guidelines in purchasing meat?

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What are the guidelines in purchasing meat?




  1. In this section the guidline is "DON'T DO IT !!!"

    A second guidline may be to go to the slaughterhouse and witness the sufferring of God's creatures and then decide if it is really necessary or if what Vegetarians say is true- 'all nutrutrition is available in a balanced vegatarian diet without the bad health effects and the bad karma effects.'

  2. There are different guidelines for different countries and different industries. It really depends on what your looking for.

    The food standards and guidelines for New Zealand and Australia can be found here.

    It is a rather broad topic, so I'm not quite sure which specific guidlines your referring to. but I hope these links help.

    If your referring to personal/moral guidelines rather than legal ones, I'm inclined to agree with Anne, I don't eat meat and I try to avoid purchasing it, but sometimes have to buy it for others.

  3. As a vegan my answer would be... don't know... followed by a strong suggestion to not buy it at all :)

    I think you may want to ask this question in a different section, vegetarians and vegans aren't the best people to ask advice on how to buy flesh!

  4. You're in the wrong section, hon.  Vegetarians and vegans don't eat meat so we're not exactly a rich source on information about buying it.

  5. there are no guidelines.

    veg*ns are all about winging it. (pun intended)

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