
What are the healing properties of love

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What are the healing properties of love




  1. it maks you feel better in side when your around you girlfriend or boyfriend

    although love comes with fighting and break ups if you can keep a relationship going it keeps you away from depression

  2. ...mental, spiritual, physical and emotional SATISFACTION...

    ...if not, much unhappiness and loneliness...

  3. Trust and honesty

  4. Definitely Trust

  5. Trust, communication and common sense.

  6. love is is what u cant define makes ur life fantastic if it is real but if it is fake ,just for ur lust it demolishes one makes u feel good,sympathetic towards other makas u feel hw great the god is ...............the one who made love which is ..mmmmmmmmm...............u just feel cant define.

  7. Romans  16:16  (((k.s.)))

    ohhh this is a fun question to attempt to answer...

    "too numerous to mention."

    but we love the Holy Spirit so we will point to John 14:21, 26-27 et al.

    "it is by giving that we receive love... and your question is full of love."

    thank you. it is very heart felt.

    God Bless...

    edit: this quote came to mind that we would like to share with you... in love.

    Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

  8. love is a trick of the brain..... (endorphins secretion, etc.)

    but the illusion works, just like placebo effect -- it's the universal panacea!

    love can relieve pain of both physical and immaterial nature

    love makes utopia look alive...

    love can 'heal' even old age / o.a accessories


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