
What are the healthiest foods one can eat?

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And don't say Celery because "You burn more calories eating it, than the amount of calories the actual Celery has in it".

I want to know about some foods with very good nutritional value. I'm in the mood to change what I eat everyday and get super healthy!

Any help would be appreciated,

Thank yoooou!





  1. Well, you have to have carbs. some are nessisary. I really like Multigrain Bread, or Special K. Also, Organic Tortilla Chips, they're purple. Fresh Salsa. Things with low sodium....And you can eat all the celery you want ;] Negative calories. Even if you want to eat some of those not-so-healthy foods, I suggest drinking a glass of water before so you're more full. Or just cutting down on portions!

  2. i heard pomegranates are good... :)

  3. I think it was the ancient Greeks who advocated "moderation in all things".  A well balanced diet that includes fresh raw fruits and vegetables every day, high quality dairy products, some protein (not necessarily from meat), whole grain products that don't come from refined white flour and other carbs that do not have refined white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, or artificial sweeteners.  Of course you can have some great chocolate from time to time or an ice cream cone, a slice of birthday cake or even a french fry or chips once in a while.  Just don't make them a part of your daily or even weekly diet.  

    Experiment to see if you function better on a higher fat and lower carb eating plan or on a low fat plan that lets you get more of your calories from carbs.  You will be able to tell if you are hungry between meals a lot or your blood sugar crashes at 11 and 3.  You may be a natural grazer who needs to eat 4 or 5 times a day only a little each time or you might have a long attention span and can go 5 or 6 hours  before you need to fuel up.  Using common sense when choosing food, being intentional and paying attention to your food when you eat and caring enough to only feed yourself the very best will keep you trim and healthy your whole life and you won't miss a single yummy thing.  Moderation in all things, yeah.

  4. If you want to eat meat, eat fish. It has more proteins than any meat. Eat a lot of veggies. Apples, and rice.

  5. hey ive just startd going gym and eating healthy so ill share some of my tips, i have grapes and chopped bannana for breakfast, salad sandwhich for luch then pasta potatoe bake. i try and eat heathy but everythink i lok at semms to have some fat in it i dunt think youll find anything truely healthy but make sure you get your 5 a day fruit and veg lol

    here's a website i recently visited its quite usefull,

    hope my advice helped x  

  6. all healthy foods have ingrediants that you can pronounce and that you know what shaws that have this section not called wild harvest or healthy harvest and its all natural grown produce and organic foods.. other than that i would try different websites, theres one on healthy foods that i know of called its a fitness website but they have healthy food guides, not just the type that are supposed to burn up all your fat

  7. string cheese!!! they have ones made with low fat milk.. they are only like 80 calories a stick!!

  8. Ground flax seen

    Steel cut oatmeal

    Vegies and if you must do oil then let it be canola or olive oil

  9. Grape fruit and bannanas  

  10. I think that balancing what you eat is best. If you make sure to have a bit of fruit, veggies, bread, and lots of water you'll feel good!

  11. I know fish is definitely one of them. It contains super healthy omega-3 fat acid thats really good for your heart.

    heres some more info if you want:

  12. Get a juicer and juice vegetables. Yes celery but alot more --- including carrots, parsley, spinach and beets.

    Like vitamins it's difficult for the body to absorb the nutrients on an empty stomach so you need to eat some solids before the juice. Homemade beans, no sugar or oil, are good.

    I mix whey protein powder with oatmeal for breakfast.    

    Protein should come from various sources including fish, poultry, beans and cottage cheese. Avoid red meat, oils and sugar.    Fast food kills.    McDonald’s is enjoying the same kind of clemency that Phillip Morris did in the '50s

  13. fresh fruits, fresh vegetables. complex charbohydrates and lean protein. If you keep within those parameters you will be as healthy as it can be  

  14. Fruits and vegetables. NOTHING with carbohryates or sugar or trans fat. NONE OF THAT JUNK! Something with a smoothie. I like making smoothies with yogurt, banana's and something else mixed together yumm

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