
What are the hidden costs of buying a boat/yacht?

by Guest66506  |  earlier

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i want to buy a boat. probably a power one. will probably have a bedroom or two. i'm guessing 32' in length.

will probably keep it docked at a marina.




  1. If we told you then they wouldnt be hidden cost would they?

    Tell you what, buy my 40' twin diesel and I'll uncover them for

    you after we sign the deal.  Heres a few for starters; ice,paint,

    tape,fuses,rope,hand tools,alcohol (drinking kind), deck shoes, books on navigation, bandaids and iodine,sun block,

    fishing gear, snorkel and fins, extra anchor(you are bound to lose one). The chap who mentioned the cost of a new wife wasnt far off either. You getting the idea? Endless list.

  2. Well zippy,  Ive found that the Boating community is very Polarized.....basically two types of boaters.  (some in between but those are drunkards)

    Those boating on the cheap and complain about it  and those that throw money at their problems and complain (or bragg) about that too.

    Boating (either by sail or power) is a state of mind and a choice you make to live your life.  It will cost as  much as needed for you to be content with your boat and your destinations.  

    1.  if you stay moored in the harbor, you can have any size boat you want.

    2. going anywhere for any length of time means putting the dishes away or getting a new wife.

    3.You will be the one that loves the journey....everyone else thinks only of the destinations.

    4. If you hate mowing grass, or fixing the plumbing, imagine doing it under water.

    5. Insurance will always cost more if you're likely to sink.

    6. There are never enough staterooms, none are very comfortable if used only for the night. (it takes gettingused to living on a boat).

    7. you will expand your vocabulary for things you've tripped over or bumped your head on.

    8. there is never as much fuel in the tank as you think (nor rode in the locker)

    9. be sure your rode is tied off permanently to a cleat.

  3. There can be lots of hidden costs.  Have you thought about insurance, Tow Boat US, extra safety gear for visitors, extra costs at the marina such as water, pump out, electricity, cable TV, internet, occasionally visiting other marinas or moorings, etc.?  Someone asked us once how much it cost to be cruisers, and our answer was "Whatever we've got!"  Also keep in mind that one of the definitions of "boat" is a big hole into which you drop money.  It can be a lot of fun though, and it is possible to do it in a frugal way.  Best of luck.

  4. any extra money you will ever have will be a hidden cost in a boat.

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