
What are the hindrance in the development of tourism in kerala?

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What are the hindrance in the development of tourism in kerala?




  1. I thought Kerela has a good Tourism. It is a beautiful country.

    The highway along the coast is beautiful. It is dotted by Kerela Govt. Tourist eating places. All can be improved.  As can be the 'attitude' of the people who work there.

    And all Indians should respect both the Indian as well as foreign tourist.

  2. Hindrances in tourism level of India is the fast growing economy along with negligence and corruption and also other factors such as increase in crime rate and terror threats another reason is no proper infrastructure and management systems. As in the news we saw the devastating reports on how kerala's tourism was undermined by the destruction of the resorts in kerala.

    Poor marketing strategy is the biggest hindrance to the development and full utilisation of the State’s tourism potential.

    Though  tourism Department was in the process of formulating elaborate marketing strategies to promote tourism.But a campaign would be launched to promote the tourist centres. “Unless the State is made garbage-free, all the gains made in the tourism sector will be sabotaged,”

    Government was in the process of formulating projects in association with the respective local self-government bodies to make all tourist centres garbage-free. Only then could these centres be properly marketed.  A campaign needed to be carried out to promote the numerous historically important monuments and places in the State. “History students in colleges should be encouraged to take out study tours to these spots as part of their academics,

    Besides, a large number of foreign tourists visited Kerala with the objective of learning about our history.   The places like Hill Palace could be developed as centres catering to their needs.

    The department formulated the “My village – tourism friendly village” campaign to improve the participation of local self-government bodies in tourism development. Under this, each panchayat was permitted to place tourism proposals which would then be implemented jointly by the State and the respective panchayat,

    Participation of private entrepreneurs was essential to fully utilise the tourism potential of the State. The role of the private parties and how effectively the Government could intervene to control them needs to be decided

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