
What are the historical reasons about "discrimination" of carrot top people?

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What are the historical reasons about "discrimination" of carrot top people?




  1. Several reasons--Judas in the Bible was supposed to have red hair.

    Witches were supposed to have it too,and from the later middle ages on through Georgian times many prostitutes also dyed their hair red or wore red wigs (though this was a really bright unnatural colour red, there being no 'proper' hair dyes back then)

  2. Another witch hunt on people who were different they are even considered unlucky is some cultures and people spit in the street when they see one, it is totally ridiculas and gingist. I knew one red head girl I went to school with was mad, vulgar and hiddeous and another was chilled, pretty and polite it takes allsorts.

  3. If you had to pick a pseudo-historical answer, I'd go for the fact that gingerism is a largely celtic phenotype - and the indiginous population was subjugated by various successive waves of invaders, who all regarded themselves as being superior to the natives.

    Really, I suspect that the real reasons are much more simple;

    1) any difference is picked upon, no matter what

    2) ginger people are annoying

  4. Humans are proned to distrusting or ridiculing those people who are different from themselves since they tend to feel more comfortable among people who look and act like each other.  It is the root cause behind "-isms" of all kinds.

  5. It's because of their temper.  Red heads are nortorious for being hot headed, violent and wild.  They are quick to anger.

  6. Here in Britain [UK] there are two groups of 'carrot tops' - first and foremost the Celts - Irish & British.

    The second group of 'carrot tops' are those of Viking descent.

    You don't have to be a 'carrot top' to be either Celtic or Viking, however,  anyone who is a member of either of thesse racegroups has a good chance of being a 'carrot top'.  Indeed, according to DNA studies now being carried out by Oxford Uni, the Red Hair gene is present in anyone who is of Celtic origin.  In other words, no red gene present, means non-Celt.

    I'm still not one hundred percent why here in UK there is this dislike of 'carrot tops' because amongst the French anyone with red hair is highly thought of, indeed red hair amongst the Gaulish Celts is highly prized.

    So, perhaps here in UK the dislike of 'carrot tops' goes back to a somewhere in the past when Britain was invaded by folk who did not have 'carrot tops' - the Saxons, who seem on the whole to have had Black hair.

    The common hair of the British today is brown.  This is a mix of red and blond hair = brown.  So, my guess is that a very high percentage of the folk of Britain probably have the red gene = Celts.

    As part of their on-going Revolution, American red-heads make their protest : -

    YouTube - Redheads Protest Wendy's - 50 redheads protest a Wendy's for their racist


    BOUDDICA - The most famous British red-head of them all.  Destroyer of the Roman Legions of Britain and of the cities of Colchester and London.  At Colchester Bouddica ordered 2,000 Romans to be locked inside the Temple and burnt alive.


    BOUDICCA - The Warrior Queen - AOL Video

    This is a drawing inspired by my studies on the celtic warrior queen Boudicca...

    ... Where the Shannon flows down to the sea ...


    Today, Queen Bouddica's statue guards the way to Parliament on Westminster Bridge.

    Bouddica translates to read Victory.

    Boudica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    It was completed in 1905 and stands next to Westminster Bridge and the Houses of

    ... Kenneth Jackson, "Queen Boudicca?", Britannia 10, 1979; ^ Boudicca. ...

    Boudicca: Celtic warrior queen

    Boudicca, warrior queen of the Celtic Iceni tribe, left her mark in British ...

    statue of Boudicca and her daughters was erected at Westminster bridge, ...

    YouTube - Barbarians

    Would you like to comment? Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are

    already a member. ... Rome Total War - Celtic Wars 01: Celtic Attack ...

    Before and after the Romans we had and have this : -

    Digg - Amazing Video: How One man could Build Stonehenge — Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized

    pillar weighing 22000 lbs and single-handedly moved a barn over 300 ft. ...

  7. Base human nature is to attack that which is different.

  8. Weren't they thought of as witches at one point (I think)? And it escalated from there?

  9. invention of the duracell battery lmfao

  10. Mostly ignorance. It could also be due to the fact that red hair is more commonly found in Scotland and Ireland. England never really had a good history of treating these people very nicely, often regarding them as ethnically inferior. Of course though, most of them will deny this now - even though they still think it's okay to make jokes about them. :-)

  11. cos where human, we discrimate people for any reason just to feel powerful

  12. because they have always been in the minority in England.  I love red hair though.

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