
What are the history of Women's rights?

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As a girl out of cuirosity i would like to know more about well...about what the women did to achieve Women's rights and the attention of the government to allow women to have rights to protect them from like men beating them up, force to do things without women desires to, forced into prostitution and all those sort of brutal things men use to take advantage of women of.

Why did we women had to suffer mens torture...?what did the women do to get that kind of treatment??Why was the society in the past so unfair and unjust?Why was life so unfair for women and not men?

Can anyone tell me what they know and their own views...

Women are also human beings so why all the brutaloty and unjust????




  1. Unfortunately some societies need to treat others as less than and treat those "others" with varying degrees of disrespect to hatred; not all societies have despised women. It can seem like women have been mistreated for a long time-but not all cultures are alike. Just as the US and many other countries (including some African tribes) viewed some Africans as less than human and enslaved them-just as many societies never treated others like slaves. I don't understand why some cultures are violent and need to hold others in contempt-but many do-including the US. Non-violent cultures are often ignored-as they are not trying to use violence against their neighbors or are destroyed. Who knows? Maybe once we respect both women and men-we can stop the violence and killing of all human beings.

  2. My answer is correct, it is definitely correct. I will answer the question then give my tangible evidence. The first true rights of women was recognized in arabia at the time of the Last Prophet to mankind Mohammed peace be upon Him, 1400 years plus. The arabs were worst of people until the message of Islam came down from Allah. Islam was the only force that uplifted the woman. You need to know the content of the links below. Then you will understand that what is from  GOD cannot be untrue.

  3. yes there were 3 women's rights movements, the 3rd one of which we are still in. within the first, one people like Cady Stanton drafted up things like the Declaration of Sentiments.  it was a document that completely copied the Declaration of Independence, but they doctored it up so they changed the language of it. so instead of "he" language, it was gender neutral, and they added "she's" and should check it up it was cool.  The suffrage movement was seen in conjunction with the women's movements. women (white) and african americans worked together at first to get voting rights, but then split and it became more Women's rights (white women) who had a different agenda than the African American people. they did not seem to care as much for each other's issues. and this left African american women in a split to choose which to support, most chose their race to side with but some chose women's rights.  Understand though that Feminism is not what it used to be! it was originally about equality and understanding, and there were MANY good positive arguments which any reasonable person could go for! THATS true feminism..people nowadays have had the name tarnished because its associated with radical women who have done really crazy things for "rights" but really they dont want rights they want pro women, and anti-men sentiments. they arent for equality..but there are still many feminist groups who do support the old good style.  check up things like the Housekeeping arguments and whatnot. it was old arguments in feminism which preached equality. that one specifically was meant for getting women into politics claiming, that women have another aspect on life, and are generally less deceitful and since they are good at "cleaning the house" they will be able to "clean up politics"..and i think parts of that are get upset too quick with feminism and push it off thinking its so awful, ive taken a Communication and Gender class in college, which really focused on women's rights and whatnot.. and i really gained an appeciation for the push that they had to give to gain their rights, its respectable..well hope that helps! (and im not g*y btw, i have an amazing girlfriend who i love dearly)

  4. Women safe houses are full of these women. And prisons are full of those men. Looks like the Gov. did very little.  

  5. women have been voting in some parts of the US since 1869 (Wyoming) i.e. years before the term feminism was even invented (in 1882 by Hubertine Auclert). Women have voted all over the US since 1920, in New Zealand in 1893, in Finland in 1906, and in the UK 1928, but it is worth noting that many men (of colour, or non-landowners for example) were barred from voting in times past too.

    You don't have to worry about laws regarding domestic violence - women in many countries can have a man arrested without him even laying a finger on her (see Section 4 here

    As for issues of the historical oppression of women, well many people think that this a feminist exaggeration in order to make women look like the historical victims of men. Another way of looking at it is that women never ever were forced to go to war (where they might get killed in battle or tortured to death by the enemy) or work in dangerous physical jobs. In other words men and women have always had a raw deal but in different ways.  

  6. Well in the USA it begins with the KKK. When the KKK was founded the WKKK(women's klu klux klan) was created. There the ones who stirred up

      racial violence and according to congressional hearings where in control of the massive KKK organization.

           After women where given equal rights the WKKK was disbanded and the KKK disappeared shortly after wards.

    It is interesting to note that some of the figureheads of the WKKK helped to create the NOW and other feminist organizations.

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