
What are the houses made out of in italy?

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What are the houses made out of in italy?




  1. why do you need to know? just a question. old buildings would probably be made out of clay or stones. neweer houses would be made out of the same things as America.

  2. It depends on what part of Italy, what the natural resources are in that area, and so on. Mainly, stone, brick or wood like in the states. Lots of stone as it wont burn down in a fire.

  3. the structure is in cement and the walls are made with bricks , internal walls  in light  bricks

  4. The most common house in Italy is made in cement and (red) bricks.. sometimes using stones and marble for decoration. Wood houses are only in the alpine region.

    Newer houses are quite similar to some Californian villas in the structure (but smaller).

  5. Lots of things!

    There are many old houses in Italy; many village houses from the middle ages 'til the 20th century were built out of whatever local stone (pietra) was available (my village house in central Italy dates back to the 16th century and is mostly limestone rocks in cement).

    Modern houses tend to be a concrete frame with big grey bricks (called breeze blocks where I come from).  This is all covered by some kind of render and painted, or ornamental stonework is applied to the outside of the house.  Red brick (mattoni) is often used for architectural detail, but rarely for the whole house.

    Internal walls and ceilings can be made of plasterboard (cartongesso), but terracotta blocks (blocchi) are also used.  These are like bricks but hollow so lighter and cheaper.

    In the Alpine regions, wood (legno) is common - both for old houses and new.  For example, in the Dolomites/south Tyrol, a traditional house will have stone floors at the bottom, finished with a hay loft in wood at the top.  New houses imitate this, with wooden roofs, verandahs and balconies.

  6. Stone and mortar.

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