
What are the ill effects of era of computinghas brought upon the human race?arguewhether these ill effects are

by Guest55823  |  earlier

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causing more damages than the advantages of computing and computers or not?introduction to computing




  1. Computing has had a remarkable and at the same time irreversible effect on the human race. The advantages it brings are great but at the same time it brings many problems.  People are lazier than ever, often never needing to go outside, because they can do everything they need over the internet.  Computers have made everything more efficient, but have also eliminated jobs for many people.  They also tend to be unreliable, and now people's data can be destroyed easily.   These effects, however, are well worth the benefits of computing.  Humans now have the ability to do things that they have never before.  Things that would previously have taken tremendous amounts of time and effort now can be done instantly at the click of a button.

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