
What are the impacts of handphones on human and the environment

by Guest57302  |  earlier

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What are the impacts of handphones on human and the environment




  1. Ummm, think someone's been drinking a little too much koolaid. The effects on humans is obvious. As with any persistent noise or loud audio on the human ear.

    As for nature, I don't se how its relavent. You think smoky the bear listens to ipod ? How would earphones have any impact on the enviorment ? unless its in the form of waste in a land fill ?

    Audio levels and Audio frequencies differe species to species, and i'm sure unless a snake swallowed a person with earphones on whole, there isn't even long enough exposure to cause any audible relavency.

  2. If your talking about cellular telephones the impacts are subjective.  Since cell phones become popular, there have been recurring "evidence" that the EMF (electromotive field) from the phone can cause brain cancer.  Usually the study that produces this "evidence" is in some way discredited.

    There is the distraction factor.  When someone is one any telephone part of their attention is diverted to maintaining the conversation.  In that case they may not be paying attention to other things they are trying to do, say driving a car.

    The environmental impact I'm most familiar with are unsightly cell antennas.  An example is that in a National Park cell antennas were erected and that brought a law suit against the government for allowing the natural setting of the park to be defaced.  While traveling sometimes you can see cell antennas that are camouflaged to look like tree, water tanks or other more benign structures.

    Other issues are the impacts of the construction process and the risks associated with the operations.  Many cell sites have back-up generators to insure un-interupted service in the event of a power failure.  This means there is an engine/generator set at the site with fuel, oil and other fluids that could contaminate the site.  There is also the risk of fire danger from the stored fuel.

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