
What are the implication of Ukraine barring the Russian navy?

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  1. I think Ukraine is trying to discourage Russia from furthering the conflict with Georgia by saying it COULD bar Russia naval vessels from returning to the base.

    The naval base at Sevastopol, owned  by Ukraine, is under lease to the Russian through 2017. Russia pays an annual rent fee of $93 million by writing off Ukraine's national debt.

    btw NATO just completed a land-sea military exercise with Ukraine, so I think a Russian threat against Ukraine is not probable without drawing fire from NATO.

  2. they are next.

  3. Plain and simple, taking sides, makes WWW3 easier for everyone else.

  4. Escalation of the conflict in that region!

  5. It's not an implication, it's a direct statement:  "The name of our country is Ukraine, Not Malorussia.  The capitol is Kyiv, not Moscow!"

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