
What are the importance of a fly?

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Do flies have ANY purpose on this earth? I only see them as annoying pest. What's so great about them?




  1. Flies are important decomposers. Imagine a world where road kill never disappeared. They help clean up the world.

  2. there smelly just like my best friend.... 33eeeeeeee

  3. Flies are genitally developed spying devices bread in a lab in Langley Virgina. This is why you see no baby flies. In there infant stage they are trained in the art of espionage.  The humming sound you hear is them passing on information to one another till the info is relayed back to Langley.

    Shortly after I got this information the web site I got this erased the information. Those darn flies work fast.

  4. Flies eat decaying matter, they also lay their eggs in decaying matter and they also in turn feed off the decaying matter.  They are usually the first step in turning the dead and decaying matter back into soil or continuing the "circle of life".  They also spread diseases or bacteria, which you can also think of as a a life form or you can look at them spreading dieseases and bacteria to the weaker animals or humans.  This way the fly can be looked at as contributing to the "survival of the fittest".

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