
What are the importance of a home made generator? specifically magnets?

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plzz.answer my question seriously..don't just guess. thank you =)




  1. The problem with answering your question is taht you don't really have one.

    I can only guess that you are asking the importance of magnetic fields for the purpose of generating electricity.

    Basically the magnets create a field that causes a force to be applied to electrons in the conductor. As you move the conductor through the magnetic field the electrons are forced (or dragged) to move in the direction opposing the rotation of the generator.

    Because electrons repulse each other this pushes a current through the loop of the circuit that is powered by the generator.

    don't forget that if there isn't a loop current cannot flow.

    If you increase the magnetic flux (or field strength) this causes more force to be applied to the electrons and causes the voltage to increase as the electrons "condense" more.

    The faster you spin the generator the more current is pushed through the circuit.

    AC generator push one way then pull back the other way, DC generators (dynamoes) push only in the opposite direction of the rotation.

    But basically NO MAGNETIC FIELD, NO POWER.

  2. Although magnets do produce a field of energy and can be a potential source of energy, attempts to manifest it on a large scale has been quite unsuccessful. However, I think that with enough people experimenting, the more that experiment, the greater the chance of discovering a viable magnetic generator. Perhaps some day they can make a magnet to produce large amounts of electricity and even bend space-time

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