
What are the influences of the U.S. constitution[continues in details!!] please help me?

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on the political systems in the contemporary world?

if you cant tell me..just explain the question is SIMPLE words..

this is my homework...




  1. Prior to the American revolution, the Western world was ruled by kings and queens.  About ten years after the American revoluiotn, the French had their revolution.  In 1917 russia had theirs.  Now only a handful of countries retain the king anq queen.

    the constitution declared that the liberty of man was more important than the wishes of the kings and queens.  It set up rights for the citizen that is based upon the natural law.

    It was the first time that the average citizen was given rights over his government.  Since then, the principles of government as stated in teh constitution has become the standard by which all other government charters are judged.  The rights of man and the dignityof the individual person over the state is now recognised as the best government policy.    

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