
What are the ingredients for a happy life?

by Guest59372  |  earlier

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entertainment (art/music), respect, friends/family, intelectual persuit, food/relaxing, material possessions.

can you arrange these in order of importance to you (most to least important)

what else can you think of?




  1. Spending it with the ones you love daily.

  2. Take the following ingredients:

    2 parts pursuit of learning,

    1 part entertainment,

    4 cups of respect (for others, their views and the world around us)

    a large pinch of relaxation

    mix up in a big bowl ith your friends and family, bake for 70 years and then eat with a material possesion or two.

  3. not worrying about trying to make yourself happy/happier because then you are trying to reach something that isn't a tangible goal, because you can't measure happiness

    1. knowledge of your soul and the universe (philosophic kind of knowledge not the scientific stuff)

    2. freedom to be who i want ( i want to smoke pot, and eat shrooms, and just chill and enjoy life and nature)

    3. breathtaking scenery

    4. friends (ya i don't mind being alone but if i didn't have friends i would probly go insane, and a few great ones are much better than hundreds of decent ones)

    5. food/drink (neccessary to live)

    6. some form of shelter, and some clothes

    7. music, art ( i would put this higher but i could always make my own)

    8.  good health

    9. family (unfortunately i've never been that close to the fam)

    10. material possessions (bed, phone, pictures, tv/xbox)

    these are my top 10 ingrdients to a happy life and the top 9 are things that people of any social class, race, gender, can do, while the 10th is just the frosting on top

  4. entertainment (art/music), respect, friends/family, intelectual persuit, food/relaxing, material possessions.

  5. 1) family!!!

    2) friends!!!


    103) intellectual pursuits

    104) relaxation & meal times (socially)

    105) entertainment

    106) material possessions

  6. 1. Friends/ Family. 2. Intellectual Pursuit. 3. entertainment. 4. respect.. 5. food/ relaxing. 6. material possessions.

    Helping Others. Choosing to Have a good attitiude. Carpe Diem!

  7. friends/family, respect, music, food/relaxing, material possessions, also helping others can also bring happiness to your life, especially those that are in need.

  8. Hmm.. You must have vision and mission in life.if you accomplish the things that you want,even we are living in this world with unlimited wants,needs and interests.And being true for yourself is the most important.Dont mind andybody what they say! Fight for your principles in life and stand in your own faith!

  9. Provide the ingredients for someone else happy life.

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